What are 7 Essential Soft Skills?

What are 7 Essential Soft Skills?

“Soft skills” refer to personal attributes enabling individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. These skills are highly valued in the workplace and can often be just as important as technical skills to all of those who want to improve...
Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

Both the soft skill and the hard skill are essential for a person to succeed but people may often find it hard to differentiate between the two. Here are a few factors by which skills can be put into 2 different categories; Definition: Soft skill refers to a broad...
Importance of Etiquettes

Importance of Etiquettes

What is Etiquette? Etiquette simply means the guidelines that govern good behavior and our social interactions. In layman’s terms, we call it the manners or conduct of a person. Etiquette not only contributes to a more positive image we project to others but also aids...
Professional Attire and Grooming

Professional Attire and Grooming

Ever wondered why people with the best technical skills and good communication skills fail to get noticed or do not get the career opportunities that they deserve? It is the self-presentation and branding that matters more than the skill set that you possess. This is...