In the simplest sense, leadership is the ability to lead people. But what is the skill that makes a leader? Is it acquired or is it inherently present in a person? Can it be grown and changed or does it remain the same?
Leadership as a skill can be both inherent and learned, but it requires a variety of skills as well. These could be learned over a period of time or honed to perfection over the course of your life.
All the leaders that we know of and admire are not great because of the presence of one skill alone but because they have different skills backing them up for different situations.
What are the essential competencies?
The most essential competencies of a leader are termed the 5 C’s of Leadership. They are:
1. Competency :
One should be so good at a particular task that one knows all the ins and outs of the task. You should aim to be so perfect that people think of you the moment that any issue with the said task comes up.
You should be the go-to person for the task, people should associate your capabilities with the same task. To be a leader, it is not sufficient that you master one task but you may have to master several tasks and skills that could benefit your team.
To be this competent not only will you need to practice the skills but you must also be very innovative to handle the complexities associated with it.
2. Courage and Confidence (be willing to speak up and out):
To be considered a leader one must be willing to stand up for things that they believe in, this could be people or certain values that they believe in. But the key here is the way you show your support and the way in which you lend your voice to it. It must have a lot of conviction without being imposing.
A leader must also be confident in his decision and the way he chooses to approach a problem. This is vital for their team to bestow trust upon them.
3. Communication skills (you cannot over-invest in becoming a better communicator):
To be a true leader you must communicate with people not only within your team but also with people from outside your team or company. Their communication must be clear enough to convey the vision and goals that they have and induce motivation for the team.
Additionally, they must also have a lot of conviction in order for them to present their ideas to potential stakeholders or investors. Their speech must carry enough gravity for people to trust them and for them to keep their team engaged.
This communication skill is a key player when it comes to handling negotiations and conflicts because, with the power of their words, they have the ability to find a win-win solution and find ways to incorporate the satisfaction of both the parties at stake. The same skill is also beneficial in addressing challenges or errors made by their team in a calm and convincing manner.
4. Consistency:
Consistency is how a leader is built. By being consistent in leading, guiding and making decisions that reflect their vision. This consistency helps build credibility since it shows their commitment towards achieving a goal and taking their team to the next level.
Consistency also plays a key role in building gravitas as it displays that someone is predictable and consistently knows that they can find a way out of any challenging situation.
5. Compass:
A leader with a strong moral compass and empathy builds trust and loyalty, creating a cohesive and motivated team. This is crucial during crises, as it helps guide teams with compassion and integrity, maintaining stability and morale. Furthermore, it fosters trust and integrity and sets a standard for the team to follow.
These essential 5 qualities that make a person a leader and set them apart.
Learn more about leadership skills in person join our PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Course or To know more contact us.
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