One of the biggest personality traits that several people, and especially women, need to develop is Self Confidence. “We instinctively focus on everyone but ourselves. So taking time out for self development doesn’t come naturally to us. Girls are often encouraged to be passive and not too daring,” says Kauser Khan. the founder pf Protocol
“We instinctively focus on everyone but ourselves”
The center of Confidence Building who has taken up the challenge of grooming women professionals to be confident.
Apart from being rated as one the finest soft skills trainers in India, Kauser is an image stylist who has helped many to be confident in facing life challenges.
All this is done not through workshops or training sessions, but by understanding human emotions and their desire to be happy.
young women who want to be global professionals can undergo a module consisting of tips on grooming, body language, interpersonal skills, communications, dining-etiquette, self- presentation and being polite. the approach is highly structured with analysis, recommendation and implementation.